jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009
The Wall of berlin
The wall was built on august 13, 1961.
2. Why was the wall built?
Was built for separate Germany in two parts.
3. How long was the wall? (Find a map)
41.91 km of wall height of 3.60 m.

4. What do we celebrate on the 9th November 2009?
The fall of berlin wall, and the union of two parts of germany.
5. What is the present situation of this wall?
The wall is destroyed.
6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, physically or mentally?
Justify your answer with information, news, pictures, videos etc
Yes, the wall of Israel, the wall separate Israel and the rest of Cisjordània.

My Sport
A Day In My Life

Got up at 8:00 to get ready to catch the train at 10:00 am.
At 12:00 we reached the doors of aviation festival where a lot of missing people and come.fortunately at the beginning of the row were lining up some friends and we were able to put near the top.
The doors opened at 15:00. when everything opened we got a mess, there was still a hill top where the people ran as never before in his life, many people fell to the ground. At 15:30 pm the group began to play. The place was huge. At 3 am After the concert, were more than 40,000 people.At 3 am After the concert, were more than 40,000 people.
Upon leaving my father was waiting to take us home at 6 we got home. The next morning my brother had to work ...
It was an incredible experience.
lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009
The Song I Like
Purple haze all in my brain - Neblina púrpura todo en mi cerebro
Lately things just don't seem the same - Últimamente las cosas no parecen las mismas
Actin' funny, but I don't know why - Actúo de forma extraña, pero no sé por qué.
'Scuse me while I kiss the sky - Discúlpame mientras beso el cielo.
Purple haze all around - Neblina púrpura por todas partes.
Don't know if I'm comin' up or down - No sé si subo o bajo.
Am I happy or in misery? - ¿Soy feliz o desdichado?
Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me - Sea lo sea, esa chica me me hechizó.
Help me help me - ¡Ayúdame, Ayúdame!
Oh no no... no
Purple haze all in my eyes - Neblina purpura en mis ojos.
Don't know if it's day or night - No sé si es de día o de noche.
You've got me blowin, blowin my mind - Me has echo perder, perder la cabeza.
Is it tomorrow or just the end of time? - ¿Hay futuro o se ha acabado el tiempo?